当前位置:梅澜>目录>第58章 《小說公告》2022/9/23

第58章 《小說公告》2022/9/23

  Dear all,


   From now on, I will postpone everything I wrote previously. I might start a completely new storyline with few setting copying from the old one.


   I know I have disappointed many readers. I am very sorry for that. I can\\u0027t let you see what happened to the stories I wrote in the past.


   However, I really want to start over. A fresh start.


   I apologize to all of you who love AMWF. My incompetence has frustrated your expectations.


   My feelings remain the same as before. I really hope to create a story that I will enjoy. Below is the diary I posted at the beginning of the month, and I still have the same thoughts in my mind. So I\\u0027m posting it once again.


   I apologize again and hope I can create a better and more complete AMWF story in the future.


   I hope everyone could understand my struggle. I will try to get back soon.






















   Hello Everyone,


   It\\u0027s been a while and thanks for waiting. It is also a year passed after this series first been posted.


   However, recently I am thinking of a fresh start.


   It doesn\\u0027t necessary mean that I want to remove everything in the past. It is just that I would like to make a more solid foundation of the AMWF story. At first it was an semi-science fiction back story. Later it moved on to a more utopia setting.


   After several attempt, I realize that it is important for me to spend time thinking about \\"what I really want to write\\" in order to fulfill my dream of AMWF world. I love white women with Asian men together, I also love the historical setting too. Sometime I want a world full of fantasy, sometimes I want a more realistic setting. However, the future direction is been very uncertain and I am not so sure about everything now, really! I wish to create an erotic AMWF story. That\\u0027s all I want to do.


   I love white women with Asian men together, I also love the historical setting too.


   Thank you all for liking this series. I never thought people want to read more of it. It was just my own fantasy in the first place but later on so many good readers and friends providing me a lot more great ideas.


   Thank you again, and I hope to see you soon.


   Please give me more time.










   经过几次尝试,我意识到,为了实现我的AMWF世界的梦想,我必须花时间思考 \\"我真正想写什么\\"。我喜欢白人女性和亚洲男性在一起,我也喜欢历史背景。有时我想要一个充满幻想的世界,有时我想要一个更现实的环境。然而,未来的方向一直很不确定,我现在对一切都不太确定,真的!我希望创造一个色情的AMWF世界。我希望创作一个色情的AMWF故事。这就是我想做的一切。










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